Friday, September 9, 2016

Birthday Wishes

A few weekends ago we went down to see DD for a late 
birthday celebration.
She loves floral prints so I painted this die-cut to coordinate with the beautiful wrapping paper I found at TJ Maxx.
The die-cut is from the Artistry Cricut Cartridge.
I just cut it out on our Watercolor Cardstock and painted with my CTMH Watercolors.
I love it when I can use my crafty stash and supplies for birthday cards, gifts, etc.
All in a day's work...ahhh.
We had a wonderful time but would you believe I did not take one photo?
I guess I was "in the moment" and didn't think about it.
But now, my scrapbooking heart is wishing I would have snapped a few!
Have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. This card is so beautiful, Lynn! I love the floral die cut and love that big bow. And how cool that you colored this to match your wrapping paper! Brilliant and gorgeous!


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