Saturday, February 4, 2017

Scrappy Saturday

My "one little word" for 2017 is ENJOY.
I have never done the "one little word" thing but this year I just felt
inspired to do it.
I think our California trip really helped me to relax and just enjoy each moment.
My mind is usually busy thinking of the next creative project, to do list, etc.
Well, when in California, we really were forced to just chill out as we hung out with our son.
My hubby even mentioned that he was proud of me for just going with the flow and not trying to plan everything out, lol.
This photo was taken on our last full day there.
We had plans to drive to the coast but we woke up to several inches of snow.
Scotty said, "Mom, I don't think we are going anywhere."
Instead, we cooked, ate, played cards and just hung out at his place.
We did venture down the road a bit to Mike's Trail which we hiked earlier.
It was a totally different scene in the beautiful snow.
It was a wonderful day!
I hope that I can keep this mindset going throughout the year,
learning to stop and enjoy the moment is not always the easiest thing for me.
I will use this layout as the title page for my 2017 album but for now I will hang it in my studio to remind me.
I used a variety of CTMH products to create this layout inspired by a few layouts I saw on Pinterest.
Happy weekend, don't forget to enjoy the moment!


  1. I have the same problem, so I know how big this was for you. Enjoy is a great word for 2017! Lovely scrapbook page. :)

  2. That is definitely a great word, and a fabulous mantra to embrace throughout the year. I'm sure we could all stand to stop and enjoy the moments more. Your layout is beautiful! Love that photo of you in the snow, and love your title work. The negative die cut lettering and mix of black and color are really eye catching!


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