Monday, August 27, 2018

Scrappy Monday

Since Scrappy Saturday would fall on the first day of September, I thought I would share my last Documented Workshop Your Way layout today.
Saturday, I will be kicking off the share of our new Holiday Expressions.
I used the Documented WYW kit to document some photos of our AirBNB bungalow which we rented in Ukiah, California.
Look at the backyard view!
And this view was usually enjoyed from the hot tub that was off in the corner.
Each morning, we would see a couple of deer snacking on the neighbor's flowers.
I am so glad that I documented these photos because looking back on them now is bringing back of flood of awesome memories.
This kit is available until Friday, better go get yours from my website HERE.
Have a wonderful week!
Are you excited about seeing the new Holiday Expressions?
It is bigger and better than ever!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute layout, Lynn! I love your little flag banners that you used throughout, and the touch of kraft is a favorite, too. Looks like such a beautiful spot to stay. What happy memories!


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